Gujarat is basically a maritime state endowed with a 1600km long costline which makes it a strategic location serving as a natural gateway to India. The coastline of Gujarat is dotted with 41 ports ( 1 major and 40 minor ports ) which caters to the demand and supply of cargo from the nearest maritime outlets like middle East, Europe & Africa. Besides this, the entire Northern India and some parts of Central India serves as the hinterland to Gujarat Ports.
Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) is the first Maritime Board of its kind in India set up in 1982 which as the regulatory authority for all the 40 minor ports of the State and it facilitates the rapid growth in port infrastructure and cargo handling operations.
GMB also has the distinction of being the first maritime authority to have successfully implemented the process of privatization and the only state in the country to have two LNG terminals in India. GMB handles about 80% of the country's minor port throughput. Its share in the total national cargo throughput is more than 20%.
To encourage private participation in port and related services, the policy packages available are as follows:
(1) Port Policy - 1995  (2) Build Own Operate & Transfer (BOOT) - 1995
(3) Build Operate & Transfer (BOT) Law - 1999  (4) GIDC Act - 1999

Development of Mundra and Pipavav
Ports through private participation
Development of LNG terminals at Dahej and Hazira in advanced stage
Development of the unique chemical port terminal at Dahej
World - Class captive jetties flourishing along Gujarat Coastline
Development of private jetties
Private investments of more than Rs.11,000 crores in the state port sector
Highest cargo throughput compared to all the Indian port authorities
Strategic location advantage with 1600 km. long
coastline - nearest maritime outlet to the Middle East,
Africa & Eurpoe.

Vast hinterland encompassing North and Central Indial.
No Waiting time for ships.
Freedom of choice to select one's labour.
Vast Choice of ports.
Efficient road and rail network.
Vast range of cargoes.
Impeccable credibility and goodwill - Investment by many
leading companies of India and the world.


Port Mechanization & Navigational Aids


Greenfield Port Sites-Simar, Vansiborsi, Mithivirdi, Maroli & Bedi


Jetty cum Oil Reception Facility at Alang

Passenger cum Ro-Ro Ferry Services
Waste Management Scheme at Alang
Maritime Institute

Alang jetty cum oil reception facility at Alang Sosiya

Common user jetty at Hazira
Ship Building & Repairing
Road & Rail Linkages

Each GMB port to be esablished as "THE PORT OF CHOICE"


100% automation of cargo-handling process through mechanization and instrumentation & control technology.

Fully computerized systems.
Adequate berthing and storage facilities at ports.

Pre-berthing delay non-existent and average turnaround time nearing the International standards for direct berthing ports.

Each port acting as an independent profit centre.

Commodity group - specific port terminals with optimal synergy and focus.


Extensive linkage of ports with hinterland with sufficient back-up infrastructure.




Sector 10-A, Opp. Air Force Station, Gandhinagar - 382 010. Gujarat (INDIA)
Phone : +91-79-23238346/47/48/51  •  Fax : +91-79-23234703/04
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